122 Rules by Deek Rhew

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Posters and Signed Copies of The Prophecy and The Outlanders Giveaway!!

My lady, Erin Rhew, has just re-released her first book, The Prophecy, under a new name, under a new publisher, and with a brand new cover! In another month it and the second book in the Fulfillment Series, The Outlanders, comes out in paperback.

Erin Rhew and her Posters for The Prophecy and The Outlanders

The other day we had a date to go out to lunch so she stopped by my work, only we didn't leave right away. What kept us in the parking lot was a small box she'd received in the mail that morning. Together we opened the very first printed copy of The Prophecy. 

Erin Rhew gets her first printed copy of The Prophecy

For those that dabble in the literary realm you know this is a huge deal. Her book has been out in digital format for a year now, but to hold the physical book in your hands is nothing short of phenomenal.

Needless to say, I am BEYOND proud of my lady! This is a huge accomplishment.

Deek Rhew with Erin Rhew's book, The Prophecy

I flipped through the hallowed pages that Erin had spent years pouring her soul into the pages to create. In the back was a dedication to her fans, to her friends from The Dream Team that helped her edit, work through plot twists, character development, world building. These ladies helped her in a way that no one could ever repay, but the finished product was worth the effort. In addition was a dedication to yours truly that brought a tear to my eye. My love is just amazing.

What we need now are followers on Facebook and Twitter. Since Erin and I are team she included me, even though my book isn't coming out until next summer (sssssshhhhhh I *may* have been picked up but right now the deets are on the downlow).

So we are hosting a contest!! How do you enter you ask? Why it's super simple, my friends! There are four ways to earn points:

 * Follow Erin (the love of my life) on Twitter, @ErinRhewBooks
 * Like her page on Facebook
 * Follow Deek (that's me) on Facebook, @DeekRhewBooks
 * Like his page on Facebook

My lady is posting the same contest on her blog, but with her own write-up. Stop in and give it a whirl.

It's that easy! Enter to win my friends! It's quick and easy and you may just win a fantastic prize.
You'll love what you read!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for being so involved in and supportive of everything I do. You are even more amazing than my grandest dream. I can't wait to be hosting giveaways for your ROCKIN' book in the near future!! I love you! #Always

  2. Oh, my Erin, thank you, baby! I love you!
