At work today we had a class ironically titled "Time Management." The reason why it's ironic is because we discussed the importance of keeping yourself organized and on-task, not drifting from the topic of conversation, starting and stopping meetings on time, yet, the class:
A) Started late
B) Ran late
I kid you not. Maybe I missed something, with me that's always possible.
The gentleman who taught it was entertaining, charming, and funny, but he admitted he was not an expert in time management. In fact, he told us he googled some articles to learn about it so he could teach the subject. So in his defense, he really didn't know much about it either.
So, why am I spending my time writing about a class that kinda missed the mark? Well, because there's an age old question begging to be answered:
What's more valuable, time or money?
For me that's a no-brainer. Easily time is far more valuable. Time is the one thing that you can never get back. In fact, for working joes such as myself, money is simply a representation of time you spend doing something for someone else. To waste money, to throw it away on stuff that simply isn't important, is to throw away your time. Rather it be an hour's worth of wages or a week's worth is irrelevant. These are minutes, hours, weeks, months of your life you will NEVER get back.

It's even worse if you waste someone else's money. Blowing through cash earned by a spouse, parent,
or friend is to say that you not only don't appreciate their time, but you don't care if you waste part of their lives.
You can win the lottery, but your prize is always cash, never six months of life. If it were, I'd enter all the time.
Fortunately, Erin is mastro with budgeting and is very careful with our finances. We don't have much stuff and, really, we don't want much. We are hardcore Dave Ramsey fans, using the cash system and paying off our small credit card every month. Anyone that says they "budget" on credit cards has no idea how to manage money. None.
I'm beyond lucky that Erin and I agree on our priorities. Like me, she values time above all. We spend all the time we have available together. I want to be with her whenever I can. She's my partner, my best friend, and the love of my life. We laugh together, talk, and hold each other, which to me is far more valuable than anything else on Earth. I'm a music lover, and her laughter my favorite song.
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Deek and Erin on Adventure! |
Deek and Erin Chillaxin' by the pool |
We've chosen to live simply so we have more time. We rent an apartment that has everything we need including a high tech gym and 24/7 Starbucks. Really! It's so awesome. We walk in the evenings. Adventure and write on the weekends. Doing what we fancy. I couldn't ask for a better life or a better partner.
#Happiness |
So there you go. The simple answer to the age old question.
Leave your thoughts, especially if you disagree. I'm always up for a great conversation.
Until next time, adventure on!
About the Author
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Deek Rhew |
He and his brilliant, but stunning author bride, Erin Rhew, live a simple life with their writing assistant, a fat tabby named Trinity. They enjoy lingering in the mornings, and often late into the night, caught up Erin’s fantastic fantasy worlds of noble princes and knights and entwined in Deek’s dark underworld of the FBI and drug lords.
He is the author of two books:

A federal assassin grows a conscious just when he's about to pull the trigger.
He has decision to make: Finish his assignment, or follow his gut and save his quarry.
Read #122Rules to join the fray.
Birth of an American Gigolo
If you've even been betrayed.
If you've ever been cheated.
If you've ever wanted to serve up a can of whoopass on someone that desperately deserved it
but never got the chance...
It's time for you to get the revenge you so truly deserve.
A Husband.
A Mistress.
A #WifesRevenge
Get your revenge.