122 Rules by Deek Rhew

Thursday, December 11, 2014

12 Indies of Christmas Blog Hop and Giveaway

Ready to dive into the Christmas season and win some free books? Then come join the fun in the 12 Indies of Christmas Blog Hop and Giveaway! Each day starting tomorrow an indie author will post on their blog. Like their Facebook page, follow them on Twitter, so forth to increase your chances of winning! Erin and I will be promoting our fellow authors as well as participating on December 23rd with a very special blog post, so stay tuned!

Learn about exciting new authors and win some free books! Remember the fun starts TOMORROW!!!

December 12th - Zane Sachs
December 13th - Kira Adams
December 14th - Chess Desall
December 15th - Kai Strand
December 16th - Zoe Dawson
December 17th - A.G. Porter
December 18th - Joy Penny
December 19th - Mary Waibel
December 20th - Cynthia Witherspoon
December 21st - K.K. Allen
December 22nd - Ann Everett
December 23rd - Erin Rhew & Deek Rhew

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