It's hard to believe that another year has gone by, but last November I blinked and here we are almost at the end of 2018. And what an incredible year it has been! Full of love, laughter, victory, and adventure.
This past year has been a rollercoaster ride that has taken us across the country, led us to new friends, experienced new adventures, and saw victories to long, hard-fought wars. Amongst all the turmoil, my partnership, love, and friendship with my beautiful bride,
Erin Rhew, has been the foundation of my world.
Side by side, we battle.
Side by side, we adventure.
Side by side, we are happy.
So, I thought for this special occasion, I thought I give you a glimpse into our life this past year!
Best friends |
Hitting the trails together! |
Holiday festival! |
Book tours |
Lord have mercy, what a lucky man! |
Wonder if we can get one of these in real? |
Who doesn't want a little putt-putt on the moon? |
We come in peace! |
Sometimes ya gotta adult. |
Sasquatch has lost his head! |
At our favorite Chinese restaurant in my home town! |
There HAVE to be aliens around here somewhere! |
Oh, Dutch Brothers, how we love thee! |
Getting a little hug on in front of the founding fathers. |
Stick 'em up! |
Turns out, Virginia is indeed for lovers. |
Looking dapper in an R2D2 jacket. |
What the heck is that? |
Love on the beach |
Ringing in the new year! |
Getting a little neck smooch and some giggles from my gal. |
I think we both pull off the bearded look quite nicely |
Date night! It almost always includes a trip to our favorite coffee place (besides Dutch Brothers I mean). |
Winter time smooch! |
Laughing...always! :-) |
I'm incredibly blessed to have such an amazing partner. Erin is the mortar that holds the foundation of my world together. When there are problems or a battle needs to be fought, I take her hand and we face it together.
When the sky is clear and the water smooth, I take her hand and we adventure together. Storm or calm, we are building memories and sharing experiences. We've been married four wonderful years now and everything that came before seems distant and hazy.
In a way it feels like we barely found each other,
but it also feels like we've been together for decades.
I wish every one of you to find your Erin. To find your happiness.
Deek and Erin Rhew |
To my Erin, I love you with all my heart. Thank you for saying "yes" and for all our wonderful times together. I'm thrilled to get to spend my life with you.
To all my friends out there, laugh a lot, love a lot, and adventure on!